High-capacity anode materials for lithium-ion batteries

Germanium and Silicon Nanowire Electrodes

Aniline From Plants
Covestro obtains aniline, a key chemical for many industrial processes, from biomass

Water Splitting Catalysts on Carbon Cloth
Electrolytic water splitting by ultrafine transition metal-based nanoparticles embedded in N-doped carbon

Rhenium Complexes as Potential Anticancer Agents
Arresting cell cycle progression in pancreatic cancer cell lines

Switchable Zinc–Aryl Catalysts
Zn complexes catalyze various polymerization reactions depending on the initiating group or polymer chain end

Artemisinin for Bloodstain Detection
Malaria drug finds second use in selective bloodstain visualization

Alternative CRISPR Targeting Method
Merck develops alternative CRISPR genome editing method

New Way to Oxide Nanosheets
Silver-assisted route to exfoliated layered metal oxide materials

Cyanine-Based Heterobifunctional Dyes
Dyes with applications as fluorescent linkers

Blackcurrants Suppress Allergic Asthma
Blackcurrant anthocyanins suppress allergic airway inflammation by modulating CCL11 secretion