Cycloaddition reactions between vinyldiazo compounds and vinylazides with retention of the azide group

Synthesis of Azide-Containing Cyclopentenes

Angewandte Chemie 24/2017: Overcoming Barriers
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Safer Contrast Agents for Liver MRIs
Stable gadolinium chelate complex for visualizing liver cancer

ChemChina-Syngenta Merger
ChemChina announces final end results of the tender offers for Syngenta

Investigating the Composition of Wine
Following the complex cascades of reactions of grape polyphenols

Removing Perfluorinated Compounds from Water
Cyclodextrin-based polymer network removes perfluorooctanoic acid contaminants

Can Anyone Become More Curious?
Merck wants to find out if and how one can increase curiosity

Electron Super-Acceptors
Tetracyanobutadienes have exceptional optoelectronic properties

Germanium and Silicon Nanowire Electrodes
High-capacity anode materials for lithium-ion batteries

Aniline From Plants
Covestro obtains aniline, a key chemical for many industrial processes, from biomass