Expanding collaborations between the two chemical research communities

Australia and Germany: Large Distance, Close Collaborations

Antarctic Greenhouse
Plants grow more quickly and with higher yield in special artificial light, at ideal temperature, with selected nutrients, without soil

Fries-Type Rearrangement Flash Chemistry
Flow microreactor controls rearrangements of carbamoyl aryllithium intermediates

Multi-Compartment Drug Release
Drug delivery system with three compartments, each releasing a drug at a different time

Imaging Cancer with Near-Infrared Dyes
Structurally diverse folate-containing indotricarbocyanine dyes

Angewandte Chemie 29/2017: Happy 100, Mate
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Digital Change in the Chemical Industry
Evonik allocates € 100 million for digitalization and enters into cooperation with IBM and University of Duisburg-Essen

Glass Ceramic for Record Telescopes
Schott is producing the large, high-precision mirrors for a mega-telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO)

High Pressure Nitride Synthesis
High-pressure techniques allow access to novel nitride structures

Novel Superacids
Strong Lewis and Brønsted superacids based on pentafluoroorthotellurates synthesized; corresponding weakly coordinating anion stabilizes carbocations