Rhodium-catalyzed alkylation uses quaternary ammonium salts as alkyl source

Ammonium Salts for Alkylations

Graphene Quantum Dots for Energy Storage
Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) incorporated polymers for energy storage applications

Non-Innocent Complexes with β-Diiminate Ligands
Metal complexes bearing non-innocent ligands able to undergo multiple-electron transfer processes

Ready for DowDuPont
Dow and DuPont have received all regulatory approvals to close their merger

Perovskite Nanosheets
Microwaves for the production of functionalized metal-oxide nanosheets

Lithium Digermenide Synthesized
First fully characterized monoanionic digermenide, a heavier analogue of vinyl anions

Supramolecular Hydrogels for the Treatment of Rosacea
Cationic supramolecular hydrogels can overcome the skin barrier in drug delivery

Asymmetric Synthesis of α,α,α-Disubstituted N-Alkyl Allyl Amines
Synthesis uses palladium catalyzed allylic substitution, is user friendly, requires mild and additive-free conditions

Microbes Travel over the Oceans
Analysis of airsamples shows long-range transport of airborne microbes

Merck’s New CRISPR Technology Patent
European Patent Office (EPO) to grant patent application