Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie 35/2017: A Challenging Target

Bisphenol A Exposure through the Skin
Dermal absorption causes prolonged exposure to problematic compound

Lactic Acid from Biomass
Supported gold catalyst creates value-added chemicals

Fool's Gold Beats Platinum
Morphological control of iron pyrite leads to promising solar cell electrode material

Solvent-Induced Enantioselectivity
A gold-catalyzed hydroamination is rendered enantioselective by changing the solvent

Academic Ranking of World Universities 2017
Harvard University keeps top rank for the 15th consecutive year

How Toxic are Diamond Nanoparticles?
Influence of nanodiamonds on cell viability measured

165th Anniversary: Death of Johan Gadolin
Finnish chemist discovered the first rare-earth compounds

Coal Burning Produces Rare Titanium Oxides
Magnéli phases could be used to track solid-state emissions from coal

The Colors of Bird Feathers
The role of melanins in creating complex plumage patterns