Cyanide-free enantioselective synthesis of nitrile compounds using aldoxime dehydratases

Biocatalytic Synthesis of Nitrile Compounds

Catalytic Functionalization of Styrenes with CO2
Styrenes react with carbon dioxide at atmospheric pressure

To Be or Not to Be a Carbenoid
The current use of the term carbenoid is discussed

A Mild Iodinating Agent
2,2,-Diiododimedone allows selective sythesis of α-iodoketones

Making DNA Electrochemically Active
Electrochemical DNA-sensing via incorporation of polyoxometalate-nucleotide conjugates

Rechargeable Zinc-Manganese Dioxide Batteries
Acidic zinc triflate electrolyte improves cycling stability

Iron-Chelating Micelles
Mulitfunctional micelles for simultaneous monitoring and chelation of iron in living cells

Trapping Intermediates in CO2 Fixation
Rare terminal iron carbyne found in arrested carbon dioxide fixation

DowDuPont Merger Completed
Company moves forward toward separation into agriculture, materials science, and specialty products companies

A Quantum Ruler for Natural Molecules
Matter–wave-assisted metrology links quantum optics and chemistry in the gas phase