Limited presence of long-lived plasma cells targeting COVID-19 in bone marrow may explain lack of long-term immunity

Fleeting Protection of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines Due to Short-Lived Plasma Cells

A Path to (Z)-β-Halovinyl Amides
Nucleophilic addition of amides to haloalkynes

A Paradigm Shift in Scholarly Publishing?
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's new preprint-centric open access policy

Peptide Synthesis by Extrusion
Solventless synthesis of peptides from unactivated amino acids using flow mechanochemistry

E-Waste On The Rise Worldwide
Global e-waste monitor released by UN organizations

Thermoelectric Fibers Made Using Nickel-Backboned Polymers
Flexible metal-backboned polymer/carbon nanotube composite fibers could be useful in wearable power devices

An Enantioselective Biocatalytic C–H Fluorination
Directed evolution used to create a fluorinating enzyme

How Microdroplets Accelerate Aza-Michael Additions
Surface acidity and interfacial electric fields can speed up reactions

Perchlorate Used for Iron-Catalyzed C–H Oxygenations
Oxygenation of anthracene and cyclic alkyl aromatics in high yields

Ether Naphthotubes as Hosts for Organic Dications
Host–guest complexes can be used to prepare rotaxanes by simple "stoppering"