Rhodium-catalyzed transformation of lignin methoxy groups into pure acetic acid with carbon monoxide

Pure Acetic Acid by Lignin Carbonylation

Remote Desaturation of Aliphatic Alcohols
Photoinduced palladium-catalyzed remote desaturation of silyl-tethered aliphatic alcohols

Bird Flu Virus Found to Be Highly Pathogenic
Potentially lethal H7N9 influenza virus can be transmitted between animals

Silver Thiolate Clusters and Supramolecular Covalent Frameworks
A range of frameworks assembled from a silver carbide precursor

Simplified REACH Registration in Korea
South Korea's K-REACH reduces registration requirements for non-hazardous substances

Angewandte Chemie 44/2017: Perfect Arrangement
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Chirality Amplified at the Nanoscale
Chirality of nanoscale particles used to enhance the chiral response of the surrounding medium

Optically Active Gold Nanoparticles
Histidines used in chiral NHC ligands

Synthesis of 1,2-Oxazetidines via Cycloaddition
First regioselective synthesis of polysubstituted 1,2-oxazetidines

KCS-Wiley Young Chemist Award 2017
Doo-Hyun Ko and Yunho Lee honored by the Korean Chemical Society and Wiley