So-called "tech red" has been uncharacterized for over 50 years

Structure of Technetium Oxide Found

Angewandte Chemie 3/2018: Chemical Architecture
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Tracking the Sources of Lead Using Bees
Trace element concentrations and Pb isotopic compositions analyzed in honey bees, wax, and honey

Benzonitrile Discovered in Space
First time scientists have identified an aromatic molecule in space

Connection between Gut Bacteria and Asthma Risk
Genetically predisposed children with an immature gut microbiome later have an increased risk of asthma

Better Lithium Anodes on a 3D Porous Substrate
Conductive host improves stability of Li metal batteries

Immunity Could Cause Problems for Gene Therapy
Antibodies against Cas9 proteins found in humans

Rhodium-Catalyzed Thiolation of Azobenzenes
Direct C–H activation and functionalization of azobenzenes with diaryl disulfides

Enzyme-Catalyzed Remote Halogenation
First flavin-dependent halogenases (FDHs) catalyzing an enantioselective halogenation reaction

A Catalytic Way to Introduce SeCF3
Direct fluoroalkylselenolation of terminal alkynes using a shelf-stable reagent