Tuning electronic properties for efficient water oxidation

Prussian Blue Analogues as Oxygen Evolution Catalysts

A Bandage for Melanoma Screening
Wearable electrochemical sensors can detect cancer biomarker

Modified MoS2 Nanosheets for Hydrogen Evolution
Molybdenum disulfide catalysts with ruthenium light absorbers

Most Accessed Articles: December 2017
The most-accessed chemistry articles from ChemPubSoc Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Effective, Cheap Remedy against Honey Bee Parasite
Unlike previous treatment approaches, lithium chloride is readily available, tolerable, and easy to use

Angewandte Chemie 4/2018: High-Affinity Binding
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Carbon Nitride Catalyst for Desulfurization
Ultrathin nanomesh converts toxic hydrogen sulfide to elemental sulfur

Assessing Hypervalency in Iodanes
Theoretical analysis of the electronic structure of hypercoordinated iodane compounds

Evonik and Siemens' Plan for CO2
Electricity from renewable sources and bacteria used to convert carbon dioxide into specialty chemicals

Hydrogen Cyanide Complex of Uranium(IV)
First structurally characterized uranium(IV) complex with HCN ligands