Strategies to improve catalyst lifetimes in palladium-catalyzed aerobic oxidation reactions

Increasing Pd Catalyst Lifetimes

3D Projection Like in Star Wars
High-resolution 3D images projected in the middle of the room

Soft Contact Lens Monitors Glucose Levels
Smart transparent contacts with wireless power transfer

How Haloimidazolium Salts Interact with Anions
Competing binding modes investigated

SABIC Largest Clariant Shareholder
SABIC acquires 24.99 % stake in Clariant

First Total Synthesis of Amorfrutin C
Potent antitumor natural product synthesized

Synthesis of Ce(IV) Metal-Organic Frameworks
Precursor approach provides way around reactive cerium ions

Aqueous-Processable Polymer Binders for Li/S Cells
Higher sulfur electrode performance in Li/S cells by using self-assembled perylene bisimide (PBI) nanowires

Saudi Aramco Converts Crude Oil to Chemicals
Saudi Aramco signs crude-to-chemicals technology agreement

ExxonMobil in Ghana
ExxonMobil acquires exploration and production rights for the Deepwater Cape Three Points block offshore Ghana