Cost-effective photocatalyst with earth-abundant elements based on metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)

MOFs for Clinical Wastewater Decontamination

Domino-Like Ring Expansion
Regioselective access to 9-membered lactones with a fused indole unit

Angewandte Chemie 6/2018: Design to Serve
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Factor10: Circular Economy
Companies worth $1.3 trillion participate in initiative supporting circular economy

Information on Global Water Quality
Worldwide water quality data for all inland and coastal waters

How Much Does It Cost to Transport Energy?
Comparing the cost of transporting electrical and chemical energy

Molybdenum Carbide Nanoladders for Catalysis
Promising electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction developed

First Total Synthesis of Ceanothine D
Proposed structure of a cyclopeptide alkaloid found in red root synthesized

Novel Low-Spin Hydroperoxoiron(III) Species
Reaction with acid makes iron compound capable of hydroxylating strong C−H bonds

Recycling Cathodes
Effective regeneration of LiCoO2 from spent lithium-ion batteries