Wood transformed into a cost-effective high-tech material

Wood As Hard As Steel

Fluorescent Hydrogel Codes
Transformable multi-fluorescent 3D hydrogel codes

Site-Selective Functionalization of Flagellin
Steric self-protection strategy

2D Heterostructures for Stable Lithium-Ion Batteries
Stacked 2D crystals show metallic properties

Open Database for Improved Hydrogen Production
Multiscale model on alcohol reforming

Wiley-CST Green Chemistry Award 2017
Supawadee Namuangruk, National Nanotechnology Center (NANOTEC), Klong Nueng, Thailand, honored

Turning Up the Heat on Cholesterol
Targeting thermal-responsive Ca channels with CuS nanoparticles to prevent arterial plaques

Carbon Nanoplates with Uniform Micropores
2D carbon nanoplates with accessible micropores can be used for gas separation

Highly Efficient MOF-Derived Electrocatalyst
High electrocatalytic activities for oxygen evolution and oxygen reduction

Dicarboxylation with CO2
Mild and selective nickel-catalyzed carbon dioxide insertion