Metal-organic framework (MOF)-based catalyst absorbs all parts of the solar spectrum

Light-Responsive Composite for Photocatalysis

Chiral Biaryl Silanes From Simple Esters
Strategy for remote central-to-axial chirality conversion

Cholesterol-Based Carbenes for Nanoparticle Catalysis
Ruthenium nanoparticles covered with ligands derived from cholesterol catalyze the hydrogenation of arenes

Glucose‐Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Less risky alternative to conventional contrast agents

Angewandte Chemie 23/2018: Interplay
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Nuclear-Spin Isomers of Water React Differently
Para- and ortho-water evaluated separately for the first time

Behaviour of O and OH on Pt(111)
Study of strains on the surfaces of nanoparticles which are used in the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and fuel cell technology

Lithium and Copper React under Pressure
First lithium-copper compounds synthesized

100th Anniversary: Death of Alexander Mitscherlich
German chemist was one of the inventors of the sulfite process for the production of cellulose

Bayer-Monsanto Deal Nearly Done
U.S. Department of Justice approves Bayer’s proposed acquisition of Monsanto