One-dimensional boron allotropes with widths of about 1 nm

Zigzag Super-Narrow Borophene Nanoribbons

Fluorescent Polymers with Carborane Units in the Backbone
Material with aggregation-induced emission in the near-infrared range could have applications in light-emitting diodes

“Second Generation” Total Synthesis of Limaol
Change in protecting groups significantly improves efficiency

BASF Sells Ammonia, Methanol and Melamine Plants
BASF is selling the plants as part of restructuring to stay competitive in the evolving European market

How Did Venus Become So Dry?
A previously overlooked hydrogen loss process in Venus' atmosphere may well be the answer

Ilham Kadri Becomes Cefic President
I. Kadri advocates for female leadership in STEM fields, and supports Europe's climate goals and innovation, emphasizing the need for industry competitiveness

Experimental Evidence for H2SO3 Formation in the Atmosphere
Elusive sulfurous acid formed in a gas-phase reaction of OH radicals with H3CS(O)OH

Transforming CO2 and Ethane into Carbon Nanotubes
Generating high-value nanotubes and facilitating long-term carbon storage

MOF Confinement Shifts Critical Temperature of Water
Supercritical transition in highly hydrophobic metal–organic framework (MOF) cavities observed at about 250 K below the bulk value

Light-Released Janus Kinase Inhibitor Against Cancer
Synthesis and biological testing of ruthenium-bipyridine ruxolitinib