Latest results of your predictions for the next Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018 – Voting Results September 21

Switchable Oligopeptide Helix
Handedness of an oligopeptide changes in different solvents

Sandwich Nanocubes with Palladium Cores
Three-dimensional extension of sandwich complexes

Arylation of Benzothiophenes by Electrosynthesis
Anodic C–C cross couplings with high regioselectivity

Antimicrobial Bone Cement
Cyclodextrins added to bone cement improve antibiotic therapy in implants

Bayer’s Vision for Agriculture
Smart IT technologies assist farmers and allow them to look in a new way at their fields

Photo Competition 2018 – The Winners
Winners of the Photo Competition "Colorful Chemistry" announced

Phosphorus as a Halogen-Bond Acceptor
Rare example of a halogen bond involving a phosphine

Erich Hückel Prize for Hans-Joachim Werner
Theoretical chemist honored for contributions to method development

N-Acylation of Oxazolidinones
Oxidative N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) catalysis in air