Analogues of lactones could serve as building blocks in drug discovery, but are usually difficult to access
An Easier Path to Polycyclic γ-Sultines
A Synthetic Mimic for Cosmic Dust
Phenanthrene/pyrene hybrid microparticles can stand in for cosmic dust rich in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Three-Component Reaction Gives Substituted Pyridines
Deoxygenative transformation involving alcohols, styrenes, and cyanopyridines
First Thionyl Chloride Adduct with a Main-Group Element Lewis Acid
Adducts of tris(pentafluoroethyl)gallium and indium with weak donor molecules synthesized
Rapid Photochemical Synthesis of Peptide Thiolactones
Unprotected peptides cyclized via an acyl thiol–ene reaction
Electrochemical Reduction of Disulfides
Vitamin B12-catalyzed transformation of a wide range of substrates, from small molecules to proteins
Can Large Language Models Predict Inorganic Syntheses?
Fine-tuned large language models (LLMs) found to perform similar to or better than specialized machine learning models for certain chemical tasks
Modular Acrylamide Synthesis
Palladium-catalyzed hydroaminocarbonylation of acetylene
Straightforward Path to Cyanoformamides
Dimethylphenylsilylcyanide used as a cyanide source for addition to widely available isocyanates
August Wilhelm von Hofmann Medal for David A. Leigh
Pioneering achievements in the field of nanoscience and work as an ambassador for chemistry honored