Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie 50/2020: Harnessing the Power

Anniversary Final
Thank you very much for all the great interactions we had over the past months!

New Protecting Groups for the Cysteine Side Chain
Easy-to-remove groups based on secondary thiols with a β-methyl substituent

NbTe3, VTe3, and TiTe3 Stabilized in Nanotubes
Nanoconfined growth used to make transition-metal trichalcogenides that are not stable in the bulk

New Sulfinylamine Reagent
Convenient synthesis of primary sulfonamides

Searching for Christmas Presents?
Editors recommend science-themed holiday gift ideas

Catalyst-Free Hydrosilylation of CO2
Six‐coordinate silicon dihydride reacts with carbon dioxide

First Total Synthesis of (−)-TAN-2483B
Bioactive fungal metabolite prepared in 14 steps

Green Method for Oxidative Deamination
New reaction protocol uses water as the oxidant

Fixation of CO2 with Epoxides
Phenol-functionalized phosphonium salts as catalysts for the synthesis of carbonates