Reduction of a precursor in the presence of arenes gives inverse sandwiches

Arene-Bridged Dithorium Complexes

Membranes with Nanodiamonds for Water Treatment
Thin-film nanocomposite polyamide membranes for high-temperature processes

Angewandte Chemie 52/2020: Looking Out
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Print Your Own Mars Rover
ExoMy is a fully 3D printed rover inspired by ExoMars, developed by the European Space Agency (ESA)

Citronamine A Isolated from Marine Sponge
Isoquinoline alkaloid with moderate activity against the parasite responsible for malaria.

Situation of the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry in Germany
Sales and production in 2020 and forecast for 2021

Improved Activation of Zirconium MOFs
Full removal of node-blocking ligands opens up Zr sites for catalysis

Palladium-Catalyzed, Three-Bond Forming Cascade
Modular radical reaction involving alkyl/aryl bromides, 1,3-dienes, and nucleophiles

Wood Films that Light Up
Wood veneer converted into a porous scaffold containing quantum dots

Understanding Biomineralization Pathways
High-resolution, real-time imaging of the process underlying bone and teeth formation