Areas of interaction between cells and virus particles studied

SARS-CoV-2-Infected Cells Imaged Using Helium Ion Microscopy

Angewandte Chemie 6/2021: Single Atoms Make A Difference
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Next-Generation mRNA Vaccine Against COVID-19
GSK and CureVac start development immediately and plan vaccine availability in 2022

Silver Embedded in Antimicrobial Packaging Could Leach into Foods
Ingredients in foods and beverages could induce the formation of Ag nanoparticles

Organic Materials with Borromean Links
Rational construction of Borromean-linked crystalline organic polymers

Preliminary Phase 3 Trial Results of the Russian COVID-19 Vaccine Sputnik V
Interim results show that the vaccine is 91.6 % effective against COVID-19

Synthesis of Zealexin A1
First enantioselective synthesis of sesquiterpenoid phytoalexin found in maize

What Is the Active Species in Reactions using Bi2O3 as a Photocatalyst?
Photocatalysis thought to be heterogeneous actually involves a soluble species

Crystal Microwires in Motion
Light‐powered, autonomous, flagella‐like motion of microwires

Electrochemically Assisted Halide Shuttle Reactions
Elemental chlorine and bromine replaced with easier-to-handle, less harmful reactants