Concept that longer bonds are always weaker challenged using quantum-chemical calculations
When Longer Bonds Provide Higher Stability
Nanoparticle-Based Breath Analyzer for Ethanol Sensing
Low-cost 3D-printed device with enzyme- and nanoparticle-based biosensor
70th Birthday: Pilar Goya Laza
Former President of EuChemS and Vice-President of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ)
Synthesis of Indole-Fused Polycycles
Efficient palladium-catalyzed reaction sequence
How Much Packaging Do We Need?
Is less packaging better for the environment?
Polymer Membranes with Crown Ethers for Lithium Extraction
Ion-binding sites increase Li/Na transport selectivity
Kenji Mori Medals 2020 and 2021
Young researchers honored for work in the field of natural substances research
Who's Next? Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2021 – Voting Results September 17
Latest results of your predictions for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Reducing Your Consumption of Raw Materials
Reflecting on old traditions and learning new things to improve sustainability
Cobalt Nanosheet Electrocatalyst for the Reduction of CO2 to Ethanal
Ferromagnetic hexagonal-close-packed Co nanosheets provide high selectivity