Inhibitor of cGMP-dependent protein kinases prepared in sufficient amounts for further studies

Drug Candidate against Retinal Degeneration

Reductive Cross-Coupling Using Phosphonium Salts
Nickel-catalyzed reaction with allylic C–O bond electrophiles

Fluorophosphoranides with Improved Stability
Replacing fluorine with pentafluoroethyl groups gives new building blocks for complexes

Angewandte Chemie 44/2021: Breaking Limitations
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Biodegradable Polymer with RNA-Inspired Breaking Points
Polylactide derivatives with accelerated chain scission could help to prevent marine pollution

70th Birthday: Hildegard Nimmesgern
Former Sanofi-Aventis chemist committed to equal opportunities in chemistry

Immunity from One Coronavirus Could Provide Protection against Others
Coronavirus vaccines or infections can elicit cross-protective immunity against distinct coronaviruses

Ferrocene‐Based Phosphenium Ion
Highly reactive phosphenium ion stabilized by intramolecular phosphine coordination

Enantioselective Total Synthesis of (+)-Toxicodenane A
Nine-step sequence allows preparation and absolute configuration assignment

Benzodiphosphaborolediide Synthesized
First example of a phosphaborolediide as a readily prepared lithium salt