Macrocycle-supported strontium cation stabilizes thermally sensitive silicate species
Stabilizing Reactive Hexahydridosilicate
Purified RNA at the Flick of a (DNA) Switch
New method for robust RNA purification from microgram scale samples in just a few hours
Palladium Pre‐Catalysts for Cross‐Coupling Reactions
Simple synthetic access to well-defined, air- and moisture-stable Pd–NHC pre-catalysts
Single-Walled Zeolitic Nanotubes Synthesized
Mesoporous central channel and microporous walls
Most Accessed Articles: December 2021
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals
Gold Nanoribbons Packed with Heptagonal Clusters
Cluster-packed structure can be switched using external strain
Angewandte Chemie 3/2022: Rapid Interchange
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Hybrid Quantum Computing Cloud
Novarion, QMware, and Terra Quantum collaborated to bring the first hybrid quantum cloud online
Dryers Can Release Microfibers into the Environment
Polyester and cotton textile fibers from vented tumble dryers quantified
Aerobic C–C Bond Cleavage Catalyzed by Fungus
White-rot fungus promotes C−C bond cleavage in aromatic compounds, producing phenol