First results show that rice plants become looser in space with larger leaf angles

First Rice Seeds Grown and Harvested in Orbit

Telluroviologen Derivatives for Photodynamic Therapy
New photosensitizer tolerates low-oxygen environments

CNRS Gold Medal for Jean-Marie Tarascon
Pioneer in electrochemical energy storage honored with one of France’s most prestigious scientific awards

First Total Synthesis of Ansellone G
Synthesis of marine sesterterpenoid also leads to phorbadione via a dehydrative transformation

Inhibitors of Cyclin-Dependent Kinases Could Serve as Cancer Drugs
Potent dual inhibitors are of interest for targeted therapy

Potential Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion Research
First net energy gain from a nuclear fusion – analysis of the results still underway

Stable Radicals and Anions Based on Carbenes
Biphenylated N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) undergo one-electron reductions into isolable species

Air-Stable Alkyne Metathesis Catalysts
Molybdenum alkylidyne silyloxy N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) complexes

Sulfenyl Chlorides as a Feedstock for Polymer Synthesis
Alternative highly reactive monomer used instead of elemental sulfur

Prism-Shaped Organic Cage
Friedel–Crafts reaction of trisfuryl and bis-isopropenyl precursors gives π-electron-rich cage