Contains almost two million preprints from various repositories such as arXiv, bioRxiv, chemRxiv, medRxiv, and

Clarivate’s Web of Science Platform Includes Preprint Citation Index

Micron-Scale Amorphous Copper Nanosheets
Ultrathin, large amorphous copper nanosheets were fabricated at ambient temperature using a DNA scaffold-templated synthesis method

SARS-CoV-2 Nucleic Acid Detection by Naked Eye
Nanozyme-based nucleic acid testing is a cost-effective and simple method that can facilitate COVID-19 testing and large-scale screening

EU’s Green Deal Industrial Plan for the Net-Zero Age (GDIP)
German chemical industry's perspective on the Green Deal Industrial Plan and the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)

Improved Effectiveness of Ion Interference Therapy for Tumours
“Block and attack” strategy for tumor therapy through ZnO2/siRNA/NIR-mediating Zn2+-overload and amplified oxidative stress

Salt Disrupts the Function of Immunesystem
Too much salt weakens the energy supply of regulatory T cells and thus the immune system

Inhalable Bioadhesive Hydrogel Protects Lungs from Viruses
Inhalable powder protects the lungs and airways from viral invasion by strengthening the body's mucosal layer

Plant-Based Catalyst Can Break Down Plastics
Biologically-bound Ni catalyst to accelerate de-polymerization of polyethylene into high value chemicals

Impact of RNA Modifications on SARS-CoV-2 RNA Synthesis
RNA modifications may be a cause of different symptoms for different individuals toward SARS-CoV-2

New World-Scale Chlorine Plant in Spain
Covestro launched first world-scale plant based upon energy-efficient oxygen depolarized cathode technology in Terragona