Bill Anderson appointed member of the Board of Management and CEO of Bayer AG

New CEO of Bayer AG

1,3-Diynes as Potent Antifungal Agents
Library of antifungal agents synthesized via Glaser–Hay and Cadiot–Chodkiewicz coupling reactions
![Hydrogen-Bonded Open-[60]Fullerenol Dimers](
Hydrogen-Bonded Open-[60]Fullerenol Dimers
Two open-[60]fullerenols synthesized through a selective bond cleavage by reactions with N-oxide or singlet oxygen

MOF Single-Site Catalyst for Selective Acetylene Hydrogenation
Alumina-supported metal-organic framework (MOF) for use under industrial front-end conditions

Lab-Grown Chicken Approved for Sale in the US
GOOD Meat's Cultivated Chicken Declared Safe by FDA for Human Consumption

Historical Landmark Status to Justus Liebig Laboratory
EuChemS acknowledges significance of Liebig and his laboratory for the development of chemistry

Electrochemically Generated Peroxodicarbonate For Oxidation Reactions
A green and largely underexplored oxidizer

Crystalline Monomeric Phosphaborene Synthesized
Shortest P–B bond length reported to date

Priestley Medal 2023 for Cato Laurencin
Highest honor of the American Chemical Society (ACS) presented to researcher in the field of regenerative engineering

New Class of Enantiopure Homoleptic Lanthanide Complexes
Synthesis and characterization of five lanthanide complexes coordinated by three iminophosphonamide ligands