New approach to predict the organization of nanoparticles in larger forms discovered

Organization of Nanoparticles

Wax On, Wax Off
Role of degrading plant materials in absorbing organic pollutants, such as naphthol, from soil examined

Oil Inhibits As Uptake
Oil from leaks and spills is shown to prevent arsenic absorption, leading to increased concentrations in the oceans

New Drug Delivery System
A new drug delivery system uses nanoparticles embedded in a liposome that can be triggered by non-invasive electromagnetic fields

Way to Detect Prediabetes
An easy-to-detect enzyme in the red blood cells could lead to a simple, routine test for detecting diabetes and prediabetes

A Complex Issue
The first stable η4-diseleno-p-benzoquinone complex shows promising cytotoxic activity comparable to that of cisplatin

Australian-Chinese CO2-Storage Project
Australian-Chinese joint demonstration project will store 2,000 m.t. of CO2 underground

Alcoholic Adducts
LC-TOF MS can test for hemoglobin biomarkers useful in short-term assessment of recovering alcoholics

Finding the Best Football Player
Social network analysis applied to football matches allows quantification of individual players’ performances

2009 ISI Impact Factors
Excellent results for Wiley's and Wiley-VCH's 2009 ISI Impact Factors