The strategy behind ChemMedChem's rapid growth is discussed in an interview with its editorial team

Secret to Journal Success

Packing a Punch
New technique for getting therapeutic small molecules, proteins and DNA directly into living cells demonstrated

No Protection
Synthesis of primary amines has been achieved without the need of protecting groups

C. N. R. Rao Will Be Awarded
C. N. R. Rao will be presented with the August-Wilhelm-von-Hofmann-Denkmünze for his outstanding contributions in the field of solid-state chemistry

It’s Not Rocket Science
Bacteria that produce nitrous oxide and methane in sewage sludge could soon be powering rocket thrusters

Higher Dosage
New delivery method for cisplatin prevents kidney damage and allows higher doses to be used

Changes at BASF
BASF announce personal changes in perparation for the integration of Cognis

Spider-Silk Formation
Finding inspiration in a spider's web could be the clue to greater understanding of protein structures

AkzoNobel Science Award
Angewandte Chemie international editorial board member, Bert Meijer, has won the 2010 AkzoNobel Science Award

Matthias Beller Awarded
Matthias Beller will be presented with the first European Sustainable Chemistry Award for his work in the field of homogeneous catalysis