A new method for the classification of suspensions by means of rotating filter discs demonstrates the separation of coarse particles entirely possible
Classification of Suspensions
Ultrapure Hydrogen
By useing electricity provided by renewable energy sources hydrogen and chemicals are produced in a single process
Open For Business
The first aluminophosphate melecular sieve with 20-ring pore openings has been synthesized ionothermally
Ribosome In Motion Filmed
Ribosome dynamics and tRNA movement through the ribosome 'filmed' by time-resolved elctron cryomicroscopy (cryo-EM)
Polymers Passing Nanopores
Improved theoretical model for the movement of long chain polymers through nanopores
Management Tip: Leadership
Improve your leadership skills ...
Optimized Minicircle DNA Production
Optimized production process of minicircle DNA used, e.g., in gene and cell therapy, DNA vaccination, or the production of pharmaceuticals
Organization of Nanoparticles
New approach to predict the organization of nanoparticles in larger forms discovered
Wax On, Wax Off
Role of degrading plant materials in absorbing organic pollutants, such as naphthol, from soil examined
Oil Inhibits As Uptake
Oil from leaks and spills is shown to prevent arsenic absorption, leading to increased concentrations in the oceans