The avidin/biotin amplification route has been used to better visulize targets in MRI with a biotin-Gd-DOTA monoamide trimer
Super Supramolecular Adducts
Let's Twist Again
Twisting and untwisting processes discovered in polymers could help explain crystal growth and liquid crystal behavior
Bubble Trouble
The method of pouring champagne is shown to have a profound effect on the levels of dissolved CO2
Cold Melting
Low to higher ordered phase transition on cooling demonstrated at low pressure with organic layer on silver
Alarmed Mosquitoes
Chemical identification of predator-released kairomones has potential to provide environmentally friendly means of pest control
Arsenic Acid Assessment
New method for detection of high concentrations of monomethylarsonous acid in contaminated groundwater
All That Glitters
In situ EXFAFS study of homogeneous, gold-catalyzed oxidative esterification on aldehydes
30 Years Of Polar And Marine Research
The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research celebrates 30 years of ice, sea and climate research to better understand our earth
Which First: Chicken Or Egg?
An article of Angewandte Chemie is lively discussed in the press if it gives the answer to this age old mystery question
PROLIST: New General Manager
Jürgen George is the new General Manager of PROLIST® International e.V.