Eating blueberries, strawberries, or walnuts may help the aging brain stay healthy by restoring the brain’s cleaning mechanism

Brain Food

Paul von Ragué Schleyer
Celebration of the 80th birthday of Professor Paul von Ragué Schleyer – symposium with top physical chemists

Turn and Turn Again
Peptoid trimers with reverse-turns have been created by tactical incorporation of hydrogen bonding side chains

New Air Separation Unit
Air Products to build new air separation unit with a total production capacity of approx. 2,000 tons per day

Hair Today
Hair follicles track the body’s clock, giving information about the 24-hour circadian clock that regulates our sleeping habits

Molecular Imaging
Modifications to standard scanning tunneling microscope allows individual molecules to be viewed

Eat Fish for Healthy Eyes
Carotenoids and omega-3 fatty acids play important roles for keeping eyes health

Best Paper Award 2010
The Journal of Peptide Science announces the winner of the Best Paper Award for 2010

Entry Denied
Identification of entry inhibitor could lead to HIV being stopped before it enters the cell

New Development Manager
Frank Schnitzeler is appointed business development manager for hydrogen technologies at Air Products