Insecticide toxicity data between honey bees and other insects were summarized to determine the relative sensitivity of bees to insecticides

Sensitivity Of Honey Bees To Insecticides

Green Carbon Center
Rice University, Houston, TX, USA, think tank will strategize on environmentally sound policies on oil, gas, coal

Hydrolysis of Cellulose to Glucose
Ru/CMK-3 is found to be a water-tolerant and reusable catalyst for hydrolysis of cellulose to glucose with high yield

How Vaccines Change The Immune Response
Vaccines that change host immune responses to pathogens: The role of Th17 cells in leishmaniasis

DuPont: Leadership Changes
Terry Caloghiris named as President – Strategic Initiatives and John McCool President – Performance Coatings, both effective Nov. 1

A Spoonful of Salt Helps the Medicine Go Down
Crystal engineers have found a way to change the solvated form of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug celecoxib to improve oral availability

Electrocoagulation Removes Chromium
Wastewater treatment technique removes chromium from well water without the addition of chemical reagents

Breakthrough for Creating Biorenewable Chemicals
Key features uncovered that control the high reactivity of gold nanoparticles in a process that oxidizes alcohols in water

Largest Specialty Gas Plants
Air Products buils two on-site ammonia plantsin China – the world’s first onsite, large-scale specialty gas plants

Nagoya Silver Medal Special Issue
The 11 Silver Medal winners from 1999 to 2009 represent the ‘crème de la crème’ of modern Japanese organic chemistry