High-pressure-driven flows destabilize lotus effect of superhydrophobic surfaces, but new method sustains three times the liquid pressure

Lotus Effect at High Pressures

Mask Bitterness of Ginseng
University of Illinois scientists have learned to mask the bitterness of ginseng, a common ingredient of energy drinks

Combating Old Man Winter
Physics helps to get rid of snow and ice in the winter ̶ but chemistry is more efficient

Ionic Liquids Improve Wind Turbines
A new research project, IL-WIND, will develop ionic-liquid based lubricants for wind turbines

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize
The highest honour awarded in German research has been awarded

Green & Sustainable Flow Reactors
Flow microreactors may play a major role in the environmentally benign synthesis and production of useful substances

Heme not Required
Ironing out the creases: elucidation of the mechanism of a non-heme iron catalyst is achieved

Sustainable Bioplastics For Future Applications
Methods of polymerization as well as properties and applications of bio-based plastics are interdisciplinary future challenges

Stuck like Glue
All joined together: a new class of AABB supramolecular polymers is achieved

Coffee’s Antioxidant Properties
Drinking coffee can be good for your health, as shown by a study of chlorogenic acid-enriched instant coffee