Iron and vanadium-based catalyst converts the major by-product of biodiesel production into acrylic acid and acrolein

Adding Value to Biodiesel By-Products

Ultrasonic Carbon Microspheres
Pores of microscopic carbon spheres loaded with iron-based nanoparticles in a single step by using ultrasonic spray pyrolysis

Analyzing Powder Caking with AFM
Atomic force microscopy has been used to image the caking behaviour of powders, revealing nonuniform surface composition

Cytotoxic Amphidinin B Synthesized
The first stereoselective total synthesis of Amphidinin B has been achieved on a gram-scale, allowing biological evaluation

Fast Fabrication of Nanostructured Arrays
A simple, fast, and versatile wet-processing method for large-area arrays of ordered nanostructures has been developed

Angewandte Author Profiles
Xiaoming Feng, Laurent Maron, Hsiang-Rong Tseng, and François P. Gabbaï, are interviewed this month

Green Tea Alters Flavor Perception
Regular consumption of green tea or red wine can boost sensitivity to acids and lead to an accumulation of polyphenols

Past President of IUPAC on the IYC 2011
For the first time in the 100-year history of the IUPAC, the worldwide chemistry community will be celebrating the achievements of chemistry

Cutting Nanotubes with Compression
New understanding of dynamics of cutting carbon nanotubes could lead to better-quality nanotubes for use in electronics

Incensed About Herbal High
Revealed: Biochemistry explaining potency and addictive nature of cannabis-like "herbal high" sold as incense in Europe