Characterization of ionic liquid-based biocatalytic two-phase reaction system for production of biodiesel

Ionic Liquids for Biodiesel Production

Biological Invasions
Globalisation burdens future generations with biological invasions

When Does Stress Cause Illness?
The molecular composition of a glutamate-binding site in the brain determines vulnerability to stress; may help predict individual risk for stress-related diseases

Green Solid Oxide Cells
Efficient solid oxide cells could provide solution to the problem of electrical energy storage facing the renewable supply industry

Better Chemical Safety
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) to work together for better chemical safety

Angewandte Chemie 52/2010 – Happy Holidays!
An overview of this week's Angewandte Chemie

Aromatics at a Pinch
Some of the most important feedstock chemicals, aromatic hydrocarbons, made in in high yield with 'pincer'-ligated Ir catalysts

50 Million for R&D
Clariant Builds Innovation Center in Frankfurt representing an investment of more than 50 million Euros

Tackling Mad Cow Disease and its Relatives
Hope for previously untreatable, prion-caused diseases comes from the indole-3-glyoxylamide family

Finnair to Switch to Renewable Fuels
The Finnish airline Finnair Oy has announced its intention to move towards fuels made from renewable sources