Long-term agreement for engineering services concluded, further consolidating long lasting and successful relationship

Long-Term Agreement – Sasol & Linde

Emissions-neutral Office Building in India
Bayer opens emissions-neutral office building in India; energy consumption around 50 % of comparable buildings

Self Assembly of Nanoscale Ropes
Diblock copolymers that self assemble into rope-like helices developed with good control over length and internal structure

What's New On CHEManager Europe
Highlights from this month's CHEManager Europe

Women Chemists
What is the reason for the scarcity of top-flight women chemists in academia?

Chemical Approach to Graphene Nanoribbons
Bottom-up synthesis of conjugated graphene nanoribbons up to 40 nm with defined structures has been developed

Single Molecule Imaging of Hotspots
Electromagnetic hotspots on optically lit metallic surfaces shown to be highly localized by Brownian Emitter Adsorption Super-resolution Technique (BEAST)

Converting Wasted Heat Into Electricity
Nanostructured material exhibits high thermoelectric figure of merit that is expected to convert 14 % of heat waste to electricity

Call for TUM DeSal Challenge
Providing water for the world: Competition to supply drinking water by desalination without using fossil energy, at low cost, with minimum effort

More Money For Chemistry
The German chemical industry association (VCI) increaded its scholarship program by 1.75 million EUR