Fullerene precursor undergoes pyrolysis and ammonia treatment to give nitrogen-doped catalysts for hydrogen peroxide production

Carbon Nanomaterial with Pentagonal Defects for Electrocatalysis

Johan Elf Awarded the Norblad-Ekstrand Medal
Physical chemistry professor from Uppsala University, Sweden, honored for his pioneering work in characterizing single molecules within the living cell

Littered Cigarette Filters Can Leak Toxins and Harmful Fibers
Multidisciplinary work shows that filters can be toxic to aquatic larvae and gives recommendations for litter prevention measures

Graduating in Chemistry as a Blind Person
Despite being blind from birth, B. Tschulnigg studied chemistry and graduated with a bachelor's degree

Harvesting Fluorine Atoms from Poly(tetrafluoroethylene)
Molecular magnesium-based reducing agent used for defluorination at room temperature

Copper(I) Complexes as Dual Anticancer and Antiparasitic Agents
Family of Cu(I) complexes with combinations of two phosphane ligands and two bioactive thiosemicarbazone derivatives

A Robust, Photoactive Tungsten Iodide Cluster
Clusters form a hydrogen-bridged crystal structure with high thermal stability and resistance against hydrolysis

DNA-Stabilized Silver Nanoclusters with Chloride Ligands
First evidence that DNA-stabilized silver nanoclusters can have additional chloride ligands which increase stability

Free Aluminylene Provides Access to Aluminum–Boron-Bonded Species
Difficult-to-synthesize products with interesting structural and electronic properties

Reductive Aza-Pauson-Khand Reaction Gives Unsaturated γ-Lactams
Alkyne, nitrile, and CO reacted in a [2+2+1] cycloaddition