Outside-the-body filtration device removes a large portion of the free-floating cancer cells that often create secondary tumors
Nanoparticles Filter Cancer Cells
Touchscreens Made of Carbon
Touchscreens that rely on rare and expensive metals could soon be replaced by those made from renewable resources
Nanoparticle Security Printing
A modified inkjet printer can be used to "print" luminescent nanomaterials with different wavelengths for security purposes
Frederic Wohlwend CIO of Merck
Merck Appoints Frederic Wohlwend as CIO
Krypton: Trapped and Cold
Trapping a substance within a porous material can have a significant impact on how it freezes and melts
Angewandte Chemie 5/2011: Building Bridges
An overview of the lastest issue of Angewandte Chemie
Special Issue: Nakamura's 60th Birthday
Eiichi Nakamura's birthday is celebrated with a special issue of Chemistry – An Asian Journal
Borealis Student Innovation Awards
Vassileios Touloupides and Jukka Rasanen receive the Borealis Student Innovation Awards for 2010
Protein Discrimination in Human Blood
Synthetic polypeptide conjugate that selectively binds target proteins could offer alternative to antibodies for protein recognition
Reactor Cleans Wastewater and Itself
A self-cleaning membrane reactor for industrial wastewater treatment decomposes organic foulants and stops pores from getting blocked