TRPA1 receptor in the throat responds to anti-inflammatories by making you cough - its activity could be used in drug screening
Cough Response to Olive Oil Explained
Angewandte Chemie 4/2011: Women in Chemistry
Overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie
Language Skills Important in Graduate Recruitment
Europe-wide survey among employers shows that for graduate recruitment soft skills are as valued as sector-specific and computer skills
RNase-Resistant RNA Nanoparticles
Modified RNA that is resistant to RNase could be the key to future RNA-based nanotechnologies
Water-Soluble Iridium Biosensors
Sugar containing iridium complexes shown to be water-soluble, biocompatible and suitable for lectin sensing
Unexpected Platinum Pincer Complex
A zero-valent platinum complex with tridentate pincer-type coordination has been synthesized and characterized
Pneumatic Elastomers As Robotic Arms
Methodology based on embedded pneumatic networks enables large-amplitude actuations in soft elastomers by pressurizing embedded channels
BELLA: Batteries and Electrochemistry Laboratory
The Karlsruhe Institut of Technology (KIT) and the BASF SE will in the future develop new battery materials together at the KIT
Long-Term Agreement – Sasol & Linde
Long-term agreement for engineering services concluded, further consolidating long lasting and successful relationship
Emissions-neutral Office Building in India
Bayer opens emissions-neutral office building in India; energy consumption around 50 % of comparable buildings