For international book programme Wiley-VCH offers: Publisher Physics; Commissioning Editor Materials Science; Trainee Materials Science/Physics/Chemistry

Job: Publisher Physics & Commissioning Editor Materials Science

More Red Wine for the Superconductor
Hot alcoholic beverages such as red wine, sake and shochu can induce superconductivity in iron-based compounds

Smaller Turbines for Power Stations
Supercritical carbon dioxide cycle turbines promise improvements in efficiency of thermal to electric power conversion

Click Chemistry is Degrading Polymers
Azido polycarbonates with potential medical applications can be prepared and functionalized using the tools of "click chemistry"

Regulating Growth Without Toxicity
New growth inhibitors shown to be more effective in plants and less toxic to humans and the environment

Angewandte Chemie 11/2011: Functional and Suitable
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

From Heterotaxia to Cancer Treatment
Chemical that causes intestinal birth defects could lead to a way to prevent cancer metastasis

Tailored Geometries for Best Dispersion and Emulsification
Microchannels of varying geometries demonstrate effect of channel shape on high-pressure dispersion and emulsification

Viruses: Trapped and Deactivated
Artificial cells that lure and trap henipaviruses shown to prevent infection and offer a new way to study infections

Separating the (Nano)wheat from the (Nano)chaff
New method for the purification of nanowires using cross-flow filtration used to separate nanowires from nanoparticle by-products