Discovery that algae can produce the industrial contaminant selenocyanate could have implications for water monitoring
Selenocyanate Contamination by Algae
Cheaper Channels for Solar Cells
Solar cells could be more affordable and efficient if made with new method that employs an ultrafast pulsing laser
Quick Test for Stem Cells
New diagnostic test enables accurate and rapid assessment of the quality of pluripotent stem cell lines
Proteins: Food or Fuel?
Using proteins as a carbon source for energy production and biorefining could be possible with engineered microbial cells
Ambient CO2 Fixation
The ambient fixation of carbon dioxide can be achieved by converting it to cyclic carbonates with a ZnIIsalphen catalyst
Smallest Magnetic Field Sensor in the World
Computers could be about to get smaller with the first example of spin and molecular electronics in a single molecule
Sweet Tasting Cells
Understanding how taste cells respond to sugar could eventually lead to ways to treat overconsumption and perhaps obesity
PROSE Award for Ian Fleming
Wiley author wins 2010 PROSE award for chemistry and physics
Job: Publisher Physics & Commissioning Editor Materials Science
For international book programme Wiley-VCH offers: Publisher Physics; Commissioning Editor Materials Science; Trainee Materials Science/Physics/Chemistry
More Red Wine for the Superconductor
Hot alcoholic beverages such as red wine, sake and shochu can induce superconductivity in iron-based compounds