Individual and unfavorable reactions can be performed if molecules are immobilized and correctly aligned
Controlling Individual Unfavorable Reactions
Cyanide-Free Cyanation
Simple, non-toxic, efficient and cyanide-free protocol for the cyanation of aryl halides uses formamide as a cyanide source
Rapid Approach to Diverse Alkaloid-Like Compounds
A rapid approach to diverse alkaloid-like compounds which may lead to novel biological active small molecules
Fritz London Memorial Prize 2011
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics awards Gerd Schön, Humphrey Maris and Johan E. Mooij
EU Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy
20 % EU greenhouse gas reduction policy best way forwardaccording to Cefic
Valinomycin’s Preferred Conformation
Antibiotic’s backbone monitored by Raman optical activity to show preferred conformations in dioxane and methanol
Stronger than Weak Bonds
Homonuclear dihydrogen bonds link alkanes in the crystal state. But are these purportedly weak bonds stronger than we think?
Micro Devices for Nano Fibers
Microfluidic technologies used to produce fibers of coordination polymers more easily than conventional techniques
Banana-based Water Treatment
Minced banana peels could be used to treat water discharged from mining processes, farms, and industrial wastes
Lanxess Expands High-Tech Plastics
Lanxess is expanding its global production network for high-tech plastics