The freshwater content of the upper Arctic Ocean which has an impact on global ocean circulation has increased by about 20 % since the 1990s

Changes in Global Ocean Circulation

Priestley Medal Awarded
Ahmed H. Zewail, California Institute of Technology, USA, awarded ACS's highest honor

Charles Lathrop Parson Award
Michael E. Strem, president of high purity chemicals maker Strem Chemicals, receives the ACS award for outstanding public service

Major Suppliers of Bio-based Plastics and Composites
First international business directory of major suppliers of bio-based plastics and composites, called iBIB2011

Recovering Lignin After Pretreatment
Biofuel production processes that separate cellulose from lignin could also generate lignin feedstock from their waste stream

Hydrogenases – Achievements and Expectations
Special issue of EurJIC looks at some of the recent advances and achievements in the field of hydrogenases research

Optimization of Methanol Production
Optimization of a Lurgi reactor improved methanol yield by 7 % without the need to shut down the reactor

Freeform Lens for 3D Microscope
Creating a 3D image of microscopic objects is possible with a freeform lens that sees from nine different angles at once

DNA Robot
Nanoscale robotic arm possible with DNA-based device that can move and lock in eleven distinct positions

Good News for Hot Dog Fans
Levels of carcinogenic heterocyclic amines in some meat products are very low according to a US study; good news for hot dog fans