Anion exchange with natural cotton fibers coated in ZrO2 surface film promising for Cr(VI) removal from water

Cotton: A New Material for Cr Absorption

New Design Principle for Chemical Systems
Importance of dispersion energy for the thermodynamic stability of molecules

Molecular Coolers
Preparation and magnetic properties of a family of polyoxometalate molecular cages with fascinating magnetocaloric effect

Used Motor Oil Converted Into Fuel
New microwave method converts used motor oil Into fuel with excellent potential for commercial use

Electricity From River And Salty Ocean Water
Battery uses difference in salinity between fresh- and seawater to produce electricity - novel type of electrochemical system

Merck Serono Israel Bioincubator Fund
Merck announced the initiation of a strategic and corporate initiative targeting Israeli biotechnology start-ups

Large-Scale Fertilizer-Plant In Indonesia
Toyo, Japan, wins large-scale fertilizer-plant order in Indonesia from Kaltim

A New Class of Therapeutics
Staple peptides are able to address targets previously considered undruggable by conventional therapeutics

Radiology Treatment Reduces Blood Pressure
Innovative therapy that decreases resistant hypertension may also find use in managing other diseases

Thyroid Affects Colour Vision
Thyroid hormone controls the eye‘s visual pigments throughout life