New colormetric system for the detection of makers for diseases can be performed with the naked eye at point-of-care

Faster Way to Detect DNA

100th Birthday of Feodor Lynen
Feodor Lynen, Noble Prize winner and biochemist from Munich, was born April 6, 1911

Oxygen Enhances Natural Cancer Treatment
A high-pressure oxygen environment significantly increases the effectiveness of natural compound that kills cancerous cells

Angewandte Author Profiles April
Rüdiger Kniep, Zhaomin Hou, Alois Fürstner, and Mike Hannon, are interviewed this month

Opinions of the European Chemical Engineering Community
Europe must do more to reduce its dependency on fossil fuels; there are good opportunities for chemical engineers in Europe

Formaldehyde: Poison or Origin of Life?
Formaldehyde, a poison and common molecule throughout the universe, is the likely source of the solar system's organic matter

Skin Allergy Treated with Nanoparticles
New approach to preventing common skin allergy to nickel uses calcium nanoparticles to trap nickel before it enters the body

Angewandte Chemie 15/2011 – Be No Fool, Innovate!
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Self-Cooling Computer Chips
Nanoscale cooling effect in graphene transistors could improve computer chip performance and eliminate the need for cooling fans

Al Shamery Awarded Federal Cross of Merit
Katharina Al Shamery, Oldenburg University, Germany, awarded the Federal Cross of Merit for contributions to science and research