Levels of carcinogenic heterocyclic amines in some meat products are very low according to a US study; good news for hot dog fans
Good News for Hot Dog Fans
Ideal Templates for Stable U28 Clusters
Understanding the chemistry of radioactive compounds emerges as one of the most urgent scientific challenges
Catalysis for New Energy Technologies
A current perspective on catalysis for new energy technologies
The Conditions Make the Crystal
Conditions that influence the growth of polycrystalline particles could change the way pharmaceutical products are formed
Polymers Taking the Strain
Synthetic material gets stronger from repeated stress much like bones after repeated workouts
Protein for New TB Vaccine
Protein secreted by tuberculosis bacteria is a promising candidate for a new vaccine
Biomarkers for Tuberculosis
Several promising biomarkers to predict who will fall ill from the tuberculosis bacteria have been identified
World TB Day 2011: March 24
World tuberculosis (TB) day commemorates the day the pathogenic bacteria that causes TB was discovered
Fuel Cells Without Platinum
Replacing platinum in fuel cells with polymer coated nanotubes decreases cost but not power output
High Turnover H2 Production
Single-component photocatalyst shows 20-fold increase in H2 production over current alternatives