Understanding how antifreeze proteins from Antarctic bacterium bind to ice crystals could improve organ transplants and ice cream
Ice Cream, Organs, and Antifreeze Proteins
Selective Hydroformylation of Mixed Feedstocks
Industrial mixed C4 feedstocks can be hydroformylated selectively with a catalyst immobilized on a supported ionic liquid
Two Layers for Artificial Photosynthesis
Tandem catalysis by nanocrystals with two distinct metal–metal oxide interfaces could be used for artificial photosynthesis
Quicker Catalyst Optimization
General method for screening palladium-based cross-coupling reactions speeds up catalyst optimization
Probing Intracellular Viscosity
Measuring intracellular viscosity could explain how molecules and signals are transported in diseases such as cystic fibrosis
Restriction to Renewable Feedstock Yields Lifted
Lignin oil yield no longer restricted to 23 % — Over 85 % yield achievable when boric acid capping agent is used
Speeding Up Evolution
Fast-replicating bacterial viruses, phages, have been harnessed to accelerate the evolution of biomolecules in the laboratory
Toxicity of Cr-Nanoparticles
Chromium nanoparticles show toxicity similar to that of hexavalent chromium
One Step to Graphene Composites
Graphene–metal nanocomposites normally made by multistep techniques can now be made in one step by electrodeposition
Protein Engineering for Intelligent Biomaterials
Biologically inspired material responds to multiple stimuli and has both upper and lower critical solution temperatures