Rhodium immobilized on zeolites can dimerize ethene with high selectivity without the need for ligands

Highly Selective Alkene Dimerization

Real-Time Tracking of Oil Spills
Biosensor that uses antibodies detects marine pollutants and can provide real-time monitoring of oil spills to guide their clean-up

New Technology for Drug Development
Instrument that measures biomarkers in single cells at 1000 cells per second, could explain how healthy cells become diseased

Attack of the Sequenced Fungi
Fungi that invade crops for food and biomass production have been genetically sequenced to reveal how they attack

Kurt Bock New BASF CEO
Kurt Bock takes over from Jürgen Hambrecht as the chairman of the Board of Executive Directors for BASF

A Convergent Approach
Two bis(indole) alkaloid natural products have been synthesized for the first time by a convergent approach

Angewandte Chemie 20/2011: Fireworks
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Alzheimer, Dementia, Overweight and Obesity
Being overweight in midlife might increase chance of dementia later

Bacteria Fear Garlic
How does garlic destroy bacteria?

Low-Cost H2 Producing Catalyst
Cheap, abundant alternative to expensive platinum catalysts coupled with light-absorbing electrodes splits water for H2 fuel