Besides health and environmental impacts, processing into valuable products is a topic related to the red mud

Red Mud Disaster in Hungary

Quality of Dutch Chemical Research
Evaluation of quality of science performed within the Chemistry Departments at Dutch universities in the period 2001–2009

Molecule of the Week – German Radio Show
M3 – Mraseks Molecule Mosaik – a weekly radio show on extraordinary molecules

Molding Metallic Glass
Heating metallic glass faster than it can crystallize lets it be molded like a plastic

HCO in Syngas Conversion
DFT calculations reveal a new reaction channel for chain growth from syngas building blocks

Nature Synthesizes Nanoparticles
Silver nanoparticles, considered a potenial environmental hazard, may not all be man-made

Chemical Sensors for Hydrogen
Hydrogen sensing method that is low-cost, reliable, repeatable, and highly sensitive is lithography-free but nanogap-based

First Flight by Solar Impulse Plane
First international flight by Solar Impulse plane without any fuel other than the power supplied by the sun

Evonik Finalizes Hanse Chemie Group Acquisition
Evonik finalizes acquisition of hanse chemie Group, purchasing agreement was signed at the end of March

Cheaper H2 Generation
New iridium(III) photosensitisers give best activity seen with iron-based water-reduction catalysts for light-driven water splitting