New method of unreeling cocoons could extend silk industry from Asia to Africa and South America

New Method for Silk Production

BASF in Durban
BASF to build new dispersions plant in Durban, South Africa, in 2012

Simple and Fast Manufacture of Nanotube Films
New method allows preparation of single-walled carbon nanotubes during less than 15 s

Synthesis of Biobased Succinonitrile
New route to produce biobased succinonitrile discovered, a precurser for industrial production of polyamides

Pilot Plant for German Lithium Ion Cells
BMBF signs agreement with expertise network lithium ion batteries (KLiB)

Logical Combination
Combining several photochromes in a molecule allows chemists to exploit the logical operations of each unit in an all-photonic multifunctional device

3D Pictures of Nanomaterials
New method for revealing a 3D picture of the structure inside a material down to nanometer resolution

Gold Nanoparticles Remove Organic Compounds from Water
Water purification from an environmental perspective by using an Au poly(dimethylsiloxane)PDMS nanocomposite in the form of a foam

Angewandte Chemie 22/2011 – Many Faces of Radicals
An overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Rudolf Eidenschink Receives Karl Ferdinand Braun Prize
Dr. Rudolf Eidenschink, President of Nematel GmbH, Mainz, Germany, receives renowned Karl Ferdinand Braun Prize